Dear friends...
mudah-mudahan apa yang tertuang dalam blog ini, bisa memberi inspirasi dan pengkayaan akan sebuah keinginan di hari esok....
dengan niat dan kemauan yang keras, serta do'a yang sungguh-sungguh, Insya Allah setiap harapan, cita-cita dan keinginan akan bisa terwujud.... amin.

On Flash....

11 Desember 2010

Heri_wier.desta89: Winarni Nani has sent you private message

Just a reminder - click here to read your message from Winarni N:

Winarni N

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04 Desember 2010

Heri_wier.desta89: Winarni Nani has sent you private message

Just a reminder - click here to read your message from Winarni N:

Winarni N

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Or you can notify us in writing to this address: Flixster, PO Box 40577, San Francisco, CA 94110

02 Desember 2010

Heri_wier.desta89: Winarni Nani has sent you private message

Winarni N

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Or you can notify us in writing to this address: Flixster, PO Box 40577, San Francisco, CA 94110